30 Days Free Trial
10 GB Disk Space
750 GB Bandwidth
1 Hosted Domains
1 Promo domain registration (com, net, org, info, biz, us, uk, co.uk, eu, site, online, website, space, es, tech, store, de, it, nl, fr, fun, press, be, org.uk, me.uk, cn, com.cn, net.cn, org.cn, run)
30 Days Free Trial
75 GB Disk Space
1000 GB Bandwidth
1 Hosted Domains
1 Promo domain registration (com, net, org, info, biz, us, uk, co.uk, eu, site, online, website, space, es, tech, store, de, it, nl, fr, fun, press, be, org.uk, me.uk, cn, com.cn, net.cn, org.cn, run)
30 Days Free Trial
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Hosted Domains
1 Free domain registration (be, com, co.uk, es, eu, fr, it, me.uk, org.uk, uk, us, fun, online, press, site, space, store, tech, website)
Choose a pre-installed application:
Choose a datacenter:
* Please be advised that, due to IANA limitations for the Australian network space, no dedicated IP address will be included with your plan.
NOTE: We will be switching to a brand new UK data center on July 22nd, with about 6 hours of downtime to be expected.